Wool Shorts

Wool Shorts
crochet wool shorts

Friday, June 10, 2011

International Yarn Bombing Day

Tomorrow is International Yarn Bombing Day! We are going to be yarn bombing downtown, pretty excited. Over the past few weeks a few friends & I have been busy crocheting flowers & vines to place around in our city.

While making flowers, I have stumbled upon (with stumbledupon.com even lol) a few blogs that I now follow with some of the cutest flowers ever. The one girl also had a headband which is super easy & took me less than an hour do to both the headband & flower. I will post these in a blog after this weekend.

If you would like to follow what we do with our yarn bombing tomorrow, check out our Facebook! Find us at Black Hills Yarnaholics Anonymous. Here's to hoping that link works, otherwise you will have to do a search. We haven't gotten our username yet but hopefully soon FB will let us do that!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Wool Cover

The last wool cover I was doing, with the cro hook ended up being a flop! I did about 10 rows or more and it was still pretty thin and I didn't have much left of the one color. Instead, I made a brown & white cover, stripes! I am excited to use it, but it is HUGE! It will work though, and it will last longer than the other 2 I've made. Somehow, they ended up getting too small (one was right away I guess). I love wool covers for his diapers! I wish I would use them way more, but I don't. Mostly because right now he only has the 2 I bought from a friend, and the one I just finished, but have to lanolize still.

I will have to add some pictures of it soon. Should take the pictures soon too! Thanks for reading my random blog!