Wool Shorts

Wool Shorts
crochet wool shorts

Monday, March 7, 2011


What is it? Plarn is yarn made from plastic! I just learned this last night, and there are lots of good sites to learn more about it. In a later post I'll put pictures up of how I make it.

Why plarn when you don't like plastic? I have TONS of plastic bags in my house. I use to be really good at only using my canvas bags, but I had my son and well...it was more stuff to carry. Now he is older & can sit in the cart, and this makes taking my bags in easier. I really didn't want to just throw them away, so we were using them to put in our recyclables. Then I remembered someone told me about a bag they had made from plastic bags. What a brilliant idea!  I have now made a bunch of plarn to make a market bag. Even better, I've read they can be washed, just not dried in a dryer.

I will be making the Ultimate Recycled Market Bag very soon. It is a great way to do something with all those bags that you just don't have the heart to throw out, but keep forgetting to take back to the store & recycle them there. It looks easy enough to do, so I hope you are inspired enough to do it!

There is also a whole web page I found of other things you can make plastic bags into. It is Crochet Pattern Central. You can also find just about anything else you want too! I also use ravelry.com to find a lot of my things. But that isn't what this post is about!

So...what is holding you back? Start your plarn bag today!

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